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Female. 15 years old. Indonesian.
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29 Januari 2010

. . . . .

hello blog!
okay last night I've found out that he had a girlfriend...ahhhh pitiful :(
at school, I was freaking out, screaming there screaming here, I was really disappointed :|
then I view his girlfriend's facebook..and know what? sorry..her face is kinda looks like an alien, I think.. my sister thought her face is kinda looks like autism..
then I wished that when I get there, he will be broken up with his girlfriend and my friends said 'ameen' hihihi yes I was happy :)
I think they will be broken up..soon.....I wish ^^
please wish for me too that they will be broken up soon, thank you :)

3 komentar:

Ookiku Na~Re, Atashi mengatakan...


nublah permata lestari mengatakan...

postingan lo gue banget gii -..- amiiiiin

Anggita Raissa mengatakan...

khansa: hahaha
nublah: iya nub? ayo kita berdoa buat yang lu suka putus juga sama yang gue suka putus juga. AMIN! ROFL