About me

Foto saya
Female. 15 years old. Indonesian.
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My Subbing Thingy --"

I  a m  c u r r e n t l y  a  s u b b e r  a t . . . `

B 2 S T l y  S u b s since B2ST Rising opened
Username: Enjj
Position: Timer, QCer
Comment: B2STly Subs is the first forums that I signed up as a subber.

N o L i m i t  S u b s since NoLimit Infinite opened
Username: Enjj♫
Position: Subbing Coordinator, Timer, Typesetter, QCer, Encoder, Uploader

R o c k e t  S u b s since 24 April 2010
Username: Enjj
Position: Timer, Typesetter, QCer

S I N A Q since MBLAQ Attack opened
Username: Enjj
Position: Timer, Typesetter, QCer
Comment: I subbed my first video in this forums.

I  w a s  a  s u b b e r  a t . . . `

4 m i n u t e s
Username: ENJJ&SY♥R
Reason: Resigned

D i v a  D e t e n t i o n
Username: Enjj
Reason: Resigned

E m p i r e  C h i l d r e n
Username: Enjj
Reason: Demoted

e n c h a n t e D N A
Username: Enjjj-ay!
Reason: Resigned

F c u z e d
Username: Enjj
Reason: Resigned

P r i s m a t i c  7
Username: Enjj
Reason: Resigned

W G  S p e c t a c l e
Username: Enjj
Reason: Demoted

Y G  L a d i e s
Username: Enjj
Reason: Can't access the forums

S a m p l e s . . . `

[SHOW] 1 | 2
[MV] 1

[SHOW] 1

[SHOW] 1 | 2 | 3

Encoded and Uploaded  videos will be posted soon.
Too lazy to search other samples --"